PS4 TrueFire-FLEX V4.1/V5.2 Rapid Fire Mod

Here you will find the installation and user guides for the PS4 TrueFire-FLEX v4.1 and v5.2 Rapid Fire mods. These are both current versions based on the controller you have and offers Rapid fire, Drop shot, quick scope and many other popular features including the ability to add up to 2 Reflex remapping buttons. The V5.2 mod is designed to work with ONLY the latest controllers which have the lightbar in the touchpad.  For all other controller the V4.1 is required.

Installation guides User Manuals

V4.1 Youtube installation video

V5.2 Youtube installation video


English User Manual

Deutsch User Manual

Francais User Manual


PS4 TrueFire-REFLEX V2/V3 Programmable Button Mapping Mod

Here you will find the installation and user guides for the PS4 TrueFire-REFLEX v2 and v3.5 mods. With this mod you can easily add buttons to your controller that can function as any standard controller button and can be changed to be a different button in just a few seconds, at any time, without opening the controller. The latest generation of this mod allows for mapping multiple buttons to one remap button as well as turbo function. The V3.5 mod is designed to work with ONLY the latest controllers which have the lightbar in the touchpad.  For all other controller the V2 is required.

Installation guides User Manuals

V2 Youtube installation video

V3.5 Youtube installation video


English User Manual


PS4 FORTNITE PRO V1 Rapid Fire / Macro Mod

Here you will find the installation and user guides for the PS4 FORTNITE PRO V1 mod. Installation of this mod is the same as the reflex remapping mods above, however, for full functionality of the mod all 4 reflex buttons must be installed.

Our Fortnite mods are designed with specific features to enhance your gameplay, including building and weapon switching macros, rapid fire and more.

Installation guides User Manuals

V1 Youtube installation video


English User Manual


PS4 Easy Mapper V2/V3.1 Fixed Button Mapping Mod

Here you will find the installation and user guides for the PS4 Easy Mapper v2 and v3.1 mods. With this you can easily add buttons to you controller that map to standard controller buttons. These button will be fixed and cannot be changed without opening the controller and moving wires to a different solder point. The V3.1 mod is designed to work with ONLY the latest controllers which have the lightbar in the touchpad.  For all other controller the V2 is required.

Installation guides User Manuals

V2 Youtube installation video

V3.1 Youtube installation video


No manual required, Buttons will function according to the location they are soldered.


PS4 TrueFire-FLEX V3 Rapid Fire Mod

Here you will find the installation and user guides for the PS4 TrueFire-FLEX v3 Rapid Fire mod. This version mod is no longer being produced.

Installation guides User Manuals
pdf.png PDF Installation guide pdf.png

English User Manual

Deutsch User Manual

Francais User Manual


PS4 TrueFire-FLEX V2 and V2.1 Rapid Fire Mods

Here you will find the installation and user guides for the PS4 TrueFire-FLEX v2 and V2.1 Rapid Fire mod. This version mod is no longer being produced.

Installation guides User Manuals
pdf.png PDF Installation guide pdf.png

English User Manual

Deutsch User Manual

Francais User Manual